This course focuses on helping you prepare to live on your own. Courses include easy to follow lessons, videos, and printable worksheets, assignments, and projects. Each course is focused on teaching skills that will prepare you for real life.
- Each course has between 5 and 10 lessons each lasting about 5 minutes.
- The entire course should be able to be completed in 5-10 hours, based on how much effort is put into the projects.
- Introduction to Clothing
- Washing Clothes
- Detergents, Softeners, Stains
- Ironing and Folding Clothes
- Taking Measurements
- Basic Sewing
Planning Meals
- Tracking Meals
- Basic Nutrition
- Menu Planning
- Menu Pricing
- Unit Measurements
- Recipe Doubling and Halving
Food Storage
- Introduction to Food Storage
- Buying in Bulk
- Shelf Life
- Dehydrating
- Making Fruit Leather
- Freezing
- Fermenting
- Pickling
- Curing
- Canning (Water Bath and Pressure)
- Making Jam
- Freeze Drying
- Automobiles
- Fluids
- Tire Sizes and Types
- Checking Tire Pressure
- Changing a Flat Tire
- Rotating Tires
- Wear Items
- Parts and Function of an Engine
Home Maintenance
- Surface Area
- Types of Flooring
- Sweeping Floors
- Mopping Floors
- Vacuuming Floors
- Deep Cleaning Carpets
- Household Cleaners
- Quick Clean Good Clean
- Water
- Gas
- Electricity
- Mowing the Lawn