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Is your curriculum Teacher dependent?

Our curriculum is setup up to be either teacher dependent or student run.

 In a teacher dependent setting, the teacher will make assignments and enter scores into the banking software.

In a student run setting, the student acts as both student and teacher, completing the work and then entering the values into the banking software.

Does it give credit?

Course credit must be pre-approved by the school the student is attending. We can provide a grade report for independent students after they complete of the course and final, but this does not guarantee the acceptance of course credit. By the educational institution being attended.

Dose it teach real world math?

Yes, our curriculum is based on teaching students real-world problems and preparing them for life. If it does not apply to Real Life, we do not teach it!

Is the curriculum research based?

Yes. Our curriculum is written by teachers with a combined 50+ years of teaching experience. We rely on research-based practices to guide us in writing curriculum that is best suited to our students learning styles and practices.

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Curriculum That Matters