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States of Matter

Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma are all around us. But what makes a solid a solid or a liquid a liquid? This unit will teach you about the four most common states of matter and how kinetic energy drives the process of phase change.

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will know that changes in states of matter are caused by different rates of movements in atoms.
  • Students will know that variations in temperature and pressure can affect changes in states of matter.

Students Will:

  1. explain how the Kinetic Theory applies to states of matter.
  2. be able to explain the differences between solids, liquids, gasses, and plasma
  3. be able to explain how energy affects a matter’s state.
  4. be able to accurately identify the type of phase change that is taking place based on whether heat is being added or removed.
  5. be able to explain how pressure affects a matter’s state.
  6. be able to explain how temperature affects a matter’s state.
  7. be able to read and create graphs that show how pressure and temperature affect states of matter.
  8. know how graphs can help them better understand the effects of temperature and pressure on states of matter.

Suggested Materials:

  • Computer and Projector for Videos/Presentations
  • Student Access to Internet
  • Lab Supplies:
    • Lab 1: Pressure and States of Matter
      • Beakers (2 per lab group)
      • Thermometer (1 per lab group)
      • Vacuum Bell Jar and Vacuum (can be shared in turns)
      • Hot Plate (1 per lab group or shared)
      • Water (200 mL per lab group)
    • Lab 2: Non-Newtonian Fluids
      • Water (1 cup per lab group)
      • Cornstarch (1 – 2 cups per lab group)
      • Measuring Cups (Can be shared between groups)
      • Mixing Bowl (1 per lab group)
      • Golf Ball
      • Optional: Food Color
      • Optional: Plastic Tablecloth

Pacing: 8 Days

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