Learn specific skills that will help you now and prepare you to live on your own. Courses include easy to follow lessons, videos, and printable worksheets, assignments, and projects. Each Lesson is focused on teaching skills that will prepare you for real life.
Purchase the saddle stitched workbooks for each course easy to follow each topics and work at your own pace.
Lesson 1: Managing Your Time
- Looking Forward
- Setting Goals For success
- Establishing Priorities
- Creating a Schedule
- Importance of Daily Journals
- Putting it All Together
Lesson 2: Getting a Job
- Personality Survey
- Know Yourself
- Letter of Interest
- Resume
- Job Application
- Interview Questions
- Dressing for an Interview
- After the Interview
Lesson 3: Income
- Vocabulary of Earning Money
- Calculating Wages
- Tips and Equivalent Hourly Pay
- Commission
- Withholdings
- Form W-4
- Understanding the Paycheck Stub
- Direct Deposits
Lesson 4: Bills
- The Language of Home Buying
- Nine Steps to Buying a Home
- Understanding Home Loans
- Language of Renting
- Rental Types, Sizes, and Costs
- Utilities
- Choosing a Utility Company
- Language of Car Buying
- Negotiating the Best Price
- Reducing the Grocery Bill
Lesson 5: Budgeting
- Components of a Budget
- Using a Spreadsheet
- Graphing a Budget
Lesson 6: Banking and Savings
- Banks vs. Credit Unions
- Types of accounts
- Fees
- Bank Statements
- Check Registers
- Balancing Your Account
Lesson 7: Life After High School
- Understanding Options
- Key Terms to Know
College Path
- Accreditation
- College degrees
- Comparing Colleges
- Financial Aid
- Standardized Tests
Armed Services Path
- Armed Services
- Armed Services Career Paths
Starting a Career or Trade
- Careers out of High School
- Vocational School
Lesson 8: Investing and Retirement
- Making Sense of Investing
- The Language of Stocks
- Stocks
- Bonds
- Mutual Funds
- The Money Market
- 401K and Other Retirement Accounts
Lesson 9: Starting a Business
- Mission Statement
- Business Structures
- Operating Permits
- Product Pricing
- Webpage Design
- Advertising
- Writing a Business Plan
- Selling Online
Lesson 10: Clothing
- Introduction to Clothing
- Washing Clothes
- Detergents, Softeners, Stains
- Ironing and Folding Clothes
- Taking Measurements
- Basic Sewing
Lesson 11: Planning Meals
- Tracking Meals
- Basic Nutrition
- Menu Planning
- Menu Pricing
- Unit Measurements
- Recipe Doubling and Halving
Lesson 12: Food Storage
- Introduction to Food Storage
- Buying in Bulk
- Shelf Life
- Dehydrating
- Making Fruit Leather
- Freezing
- Fermenting
- Pickling
- Curing
- Canning (Water Bath and Pressure)
- Making Jam
- Freeze Drying
Lesson 13: Automobiles
- Automobiles
- Fluids
- Tire Sizes and Types
- Checking Tire Pressure
- Changing a Flat Tire
- Rotating Tires
- Wear Items
- Parts and Function of an Engine
Lesson 14: Home Maintenance
- Surface Area
- Types of Flooring
- Sweeping Floors
- Mopping Floors
- Vacuuming Floors
- Deep Cleaning Carpets
- Household Cleaners
- Quick Clean Good Clean
- Water
- Gas
- Electricity
- Mowing the Lawn
Lesson 15: Moving
- Moving Yourself
- Moving Companies
- Before the Yard Sale
- Day of the Yard Sale
- Stopping & Starting Utilities
Course Materials
Course Content