Course Progress:

Meal Planning

This lesson will introduce and teach how to save money by planning how you plan for meals and buy food.

Students will:

  1. Understand the basics of a healthy diet.
  2. Plan menu’s and estimate food costs.
  3. Calculate unit costs.
  4. Explain and demonstrate usage of advertisements and coupons.
  5. Setup a food menu that will be healthy while maintaining lower food costs.

Math Skills Being Utilized

  • Calculating Unit Price
  • Fractions, Percents, Ratios
  • Critical Thinking
  • Budgeting

Ideas for Teaching

  • Encourage students to discuss meal plans and to go shopping with their parents.
  • Invite a nutrition expert to talk to your class.
  • Gather ads from local grocery stores and let the students compare price.
  • Have students work in groups of 2 or 3 for higher quality projects.
  • Pay students a bonus if they are willing to present their menu in class.


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